
Were you a Crusader?

Did you belong to a Crusader Class or Group? Did you go on a Crusader Camp or Holiday? Become an Associate… and pass on the baton to the next generation.

We would love to reconnect with you.

For over one hundred years, children and young people have met the Lord through Crusaders and have gone on to be taught and discipled by faithful men and women of God. We owe so much to those dedicated leaders of the past, many of whom gave most of their time in service to the movement. You may be one of them.

‘Life as a Crusader is all too short – ten years at the most, and more often five, in length. As the years go by, an ever-increasing number recall with gratitude the lessons that they learned in their classes, for fifteen hundred of them are now linked with the Union as Associate members. The support they give, both prayerful and financial, means much to the work.’’ Annual Report, 1957

Just as those before us supported Crusaders, we would so value your support today.

"Being 'dragged' along to Guildford Crusaders aged 13 changed my life, career and personality; that's why I am totally committed to giving something back to Crusaders and my Lord. The mission of Crusaders and its values doesn’t change but it's a very different organisation to the one I joined and that's good and exciting." Peter Jeffrey, former Chairman of Crusaders’ Board of Trustees

‘And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.’ Hebrews 12:1-2


What is happening today?

The name of the ministry may be different but the desire to share the Gospel and make young disciples remains. For several years Urban Saints has worked for and supported a wide variety of initiatives and projects, but we now believe God is calling us to focus on launching more Urban Saints Groups to reach and disciple young people.

We have gone back to our roots, inspired by Albert Kestin’s pioneering spirit who back in 1900, came across some lads in the park and built community with them by starting a Group.

We want every young person in the UK and Ireland to have the opportunity to join one of our exciting Groups – especially the 95% who remain unreached by existing Christian youth and children’s work.

"I love volunteering in a Group, because it's about real relationships with young people, seeing their potential and helping them grow into it."  Shenel, Luton Saints Studio Group Leader.

We help train, support and equip volunteers to run outreach Groups, offering assistance through our Energize resources website and Additional Needs ministry.

We also provide opportunities for young people through Camps and Overseas Adventures.


Reconnect today and help change a life.

We would love to reconnect with you and share amazing stories of what God is doing in the lives of young people today. You may well have been introduced to Jesus through Crusaders, made lifelong friends, and made special memories. As well as helping the ministry to continue for a new generation, we can help you reconnect with Crusader friends.


How can I support Urban Saints?


How we will support you:
"I want to be an Associate and pass the baton to the next generation..."

We can't wait to welcome you to be one of our growing community of Associates - all committed to help us make young disciples for Christ in neighbourhoods across the UK and Ireland.

Click here to become an Associate